Hey All...I’m Back.

Hey all...I’m back

Life has a way of getting really busy sometimes. I was looking at my old blogs the other day and I thought, “man, I really miss writing.” I just haven’t been in a spot where I've had time. A lot has happened since my last blog. I started a new job, moved, had a grandparent fly into the arms of Jesus, had a man I greatly looked up to disqualify himself from the pastorate, my wife and I became members at our church and I have started doing multi-media stuff for my church as well. Much has changed, but many things are the same. I still love writing, I’m still quite the theology nerd, I still drive my wife crazy with my type A personality and Christ has still remained faithful through my faithlessness. That is a constant that I will never fully comprehend. That fact that Christ would activity choose to love me even though I betray Him every day with my sin is a wonder. It’s something I don’t think we will ever truly understand this side of Heaven.

2018 has been good for me. It’s been hard. In fact, it might be one of the hardest years of my life. There has been a lot of death, pain and sadness. The Lord has seen fit to bring me low in many areas of my life. I have been confronted of sin in my heart, sin I didn’t even know I struggled with. I have been confronted with my incapability and how little power I truly have to help myself. Through it all, I have learned one thing, I’m not enough. I don’t have what it it takes. I’m not strong enough to pull myself up from my bootstraps and carry on. I don’t have that ability. Although I’m still learning this, I see it more clearly now than I ever have.

Things the Lord has used to teach me? Man, the list is long. My church is one of the main ones I suppose. Never before have I understood what it meant to be invested in church than before now. The Lord has shown me what benefits come from being part of a God-honoring church. The joy, grace, love and conviction that comes from being part of Christ’s Bride cannot be overstated. The Church has been there for me. Through all the changes, good and bad, the church is a constant. That is what I need and I realize that is what has been missing in my life for a very long time. Thanks be to God, no more. The older I get and (hopefully) the wiser I become, the more I realize that the church is essential in the life of a Christian. Without it, we wither and fade in our faith and zeal for the Gospel. The church is home. It’s where we come together with the express and singular purpose of worshiping Christ. The Lord has worked in my life greatly in a short time, but there is no tool He has used that has been more affective than my wonderful church.

So what does the future hold? Not sure. A year ago, not knowing this would have sent me into a wave of frustration. Now, through the Lord’s work, I'm not worried about it. I want to be content with where I am and what I am doing now. I want to focus on what the Lord has laid in front of me and not with where I wish to be. I have my desires and hopes yes, but the Lord knows those better than I do. I need to remember that and trust that His timing is perfect. I am experiencing a contentment now that I honestly have never known before. The Lord is good.

So, this is the first blog in a while. I don’t want it to stop. It’s true I don’t have as much time as I once did to write. So I am not entirely sure what quantity I will be able to sustain in regards to content. It will have to be an experiment. But I'm back. I want to thank you all who are reading this that didn’t give up on me. I appreciate your patience while I was transitioning into a new stage of life. It is my hope to keep this blog updated and hopefully be putting out some video content as well. There’s a new camera in my vicinity that is just dying to be tested out. So thank you once again and I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord does in the future. I’ll leave you with this quote from (of course) my man, Charles Spurgeon.

“My evidence that I am saved does not lie in the fact that I preach, or that I do this or that. All my hope lies in this: that Jesus Christ came to save sinners. I am a sinner, I trust Him, then He came to save me, and I am saved.”

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