Make War (Part 1)

Christians make war.

I realize to some, the terms “Christian” and “war” are not compatible with each other. However, if we are to look to Scripture, we will see that much of the Christian’s time here on earth is spent in warfare. We are called to put on the full armor of God for a reason. The Christian makes war every day. The Christian life is not simply something we are allowed to float through. It’s an uphill battle, a swim against the current, a marathon at a sprinter’s pace. There is a constant fight against the enemy in the wise Christian knows who their enemy is and plans accordingly. Not all enemies are equal. Some require a head on tactic while other enemies we must learn to fight without attack. Whatever the case, the wise Christian understands who the enemy is and knows what it will take to win.

This war we fight can take place on many different battlefields, but the enemies are always the same. For the Christian, we have three primary enemies that seek to destroy and immobilize us in our run. All of the battles, all of the temptations, all the struggles we face here on earth are against three primary forces that are determined to end us. The Christian fights against Satan, the world, and the flesh. All three are formidable foes and all three require different tactics to win. Let’s look at the first of these enemies right now. Satan himself.

He’s the great deceiver, the audacious liar, the accuser of the brethren. He steals and destroys. He manipulates and distracts. He is the enemy of the Christian and seeks to plant doubt and deception in order to cultivate it into fruition. He whispers in the ear and says “did God really say...?” There is no end to his hatred for Christ and His people. He poses as the angel of light to attract and sooth, only to transform into the roaring serpent to devour and destroy. Though the Christian’s soul is out of reach for him, he will still seek to render them ineffective for the kingdom of Christ. He will distract, puff up, and plant the doubts that will lead to a life full of compromise. He is indeed a deadly foe and too many Christian’s have forgotten that he has been in this game much longer than them. He knows the right buttons to push.

So how does the Christian make war with Satan? How do we resist him that he may flee from us? I believe this is very simple and it has absolutely nothing to do with binding him or speaking words of prophesy and authority over him. There’s no holy water, magic beads or exorcisms. It’s very simple. It’s just what Jesus did when Satan met Him in the wilderness. It’s the power of the simple, authoritative, all-knowing Word of God. Meet the schemes of Satan with the one thing he cannot fight against, the Word. The Bible puts Satan in his place. It reminds him of where he stands in relation to God. It condemns him in his blasphemy and shows him his future. Christ quoted the Word of God, His words, and Satan fled.

We hold no authority over Satan. There is nothing about us that intimidates or scares him. Yet our Master, the One we call Father, that is another story altogether. The Spirit dwelling within us definitely scares Satan. Through Christ, we are more than conquerors. We have the ability through the strength of Christ to fight against the schemes of Satan and conquer them. Only if we stick close to the Word of God. Saturate yourself in its truth and allow it to be your defense and encouragement. Read the Bible, study it, live it. Only through the living truth of Scripture can we stand before Satan and make war.