Monday Musings #3
Happy Monday! Yes, Mondays can be happy. Although it takes more than coffee to do it. Maybe I can help get you pointed in the right direction. I hope some of these resources brighten your day and week up a little bit. Welcome to another Monday Musings.
Weekly Resources:
"The Study Bible" App by Grace To You - If you’re a John Macarthur fan like I am, you will really enjoy this free Bible app put out by GTY. It’s in the ESV and (for a small cost) you can get all of John’s notes as an in-app purchase. I have used this app for quick reference guides, on the go passage lookup or just casual reading. If you are looking for a great Bible app for your phone or tablet, look no further then this great resource from GTY. You can find it in your app store or by clicking on the name above.
"ESV Readers Bible" by Crossway - I love my ESV Readers Bible. Basically, the only difference between this and a normal Bible is the format. The text is stripped down from how we normally read the Bible and all the chapters, verses and general formatting is gone. It looks and reads like a letter or a novel would read. It is great for personal devotions and causal reading. Through I probably would recommend it for Church, simply because you would have no way to find where you are supposed to be. I have found that reading the ESV Readers Bible is a great way to simply enjoy and contemplate on God’s Word. And it’s only $15 on Amazon. Worth it.
Quote Of The Week:
“The Church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their faith in Christ, gather to know and love Him better, and learn to love others as He designed.” - Paul Tripp
Verse Of The Week:
Galatians 6:1-2 “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Thought Of The Week:
Sin is a reality. We all suffer from the same venom coursing its way through our heart. I cannot tell you how many times I have felt the shame that falls when my sin is brought into the light. I am often reminded of this flesh that I dwell in as I continue to find myself doing that which I do not want to do. What is just as hard is when a Christian brother or sister sins against me. This can bring many other feelings. Anger, sadness, a feeling of betrayal. It is very easy to play the victim when the sin is not my own. Yet I reminded that we are all called to bear with each other and carry each other’s burdens. The Christian life is not meant to be done in isolation. We need community. We need the Church. This is how we are spurred on toward righteousness. We as Christians are called to quickly forgive and let grace cover over all things. This does not mean we allow sin to persist, but rather when sin occurs, we deal with it quickly and with gentleness through the grace of the Gospel. This is what a family does. This is how we are to interact with each other. So this week, if you are feeling the weight and guilt of sin, cover it over with the truth of the Gospel and sin no more. If you have been sinned against, seek reconciliation quickly and let Christ unify once again. We Christians should be a people of grace and reconciliation. This is what Christ has done for us, this is what we should do for each other.