
When God Seems Far Off

When God Seems Far Off

It is easy to praise the Lord’s sovereignty in the peaks and mountain tops. Yet as many know, the Christian life is often not spent in the grassy hilltops, but rather in the trenches, where it is cold, dirty and lonely.
4 min read
Aphid Pimples And The Providence Of God

Aphid Pimples And The Providence Of God

Many have said, “if God is all-powerful, He cannot be all-good. If He is all-good, then He cannot be all-powerful.” This is the danger of forgetting the Gospel.
3 min read
For The Sake Of One

For The Sake Of One

Here’s a thought for you. I don’t think we Christians are wired to handle fame. I don't think we are wired in a way that gives us the ability to deal with stardom in a beneficial way. I think there is a very special and Biblical reason for this.
4 min read
A Letter To My Son

A Letter To My Son

"It’s always interesting to think about what your last words will be. Will they be funny, sarcastic, or as bleak as death itself? These are the last words I want you to hear from your dad."
3 min read
It’s A Bloody Gospel

It’s A Bloody Gospel

Christianity is bloody. It’s not about appearing a certain way or trying to make it look like we aren’t putting the old man to death every second. It's about Christ covering the worst of us. Friend, it’s time we stop hiding the blood.
6 min read
Hey All...I’m Back.

Hey All...I’m Back.

It’s been a while since I blogged. A lot has happened...and a lot is the same. I think i can say now that I’m back in the saddle and ready to figure out how to put words together again. We’ll see if I’ve totally lost it.
3 min read
Make War (Part 3)

Make War (Part 3)

There is no enemy the Christian faces that is more deadly than their own sinful flesh. It is the most dangerous and has the greatest potential to destroy. This enemy must be fought at all costs. It stands and mocks our Savior.
3 min read
Please Stop Calling Me A Legalist (Part 1)

Please Stop Calling Me A Legalist (Part 1)

I have been called a legalist many times in my life. What I have always hoped for is a person who, instead of simply labeling me and moving on, asked me about the convictions I have. If we did this more, I believe it would solve a lot of problems.
3 min read
Resurrection Living

Resurrection Living

The resurrection is the most important aspect of the Gospel. Without it, we are lost. Because of it, we have every reason to rejoice. We should not simply celebrate this one day out of the year. The resurrection should be at the very core of who we are.
2 min read
Why A Good Friday?

Why A Good Friday?

What is it that makes Good Friday so good? It doesn’t feel good. It’s the day God Himself was murdered. How can there be light in such darkness? Simply because of this...Easter is coming.
2 min read