
Introducing 2021

Introducing 2021

I gotta say, I was actually hoping that something magical was going to happen the second that clock read January 1st, 2021. Boy was I wrong.
3 min read
When God Seems Far Off

When God Seems Far Off

It is easy to praise the Lord’s sovereignty in the peaks and mountain tops. Yet as many know, the Christian life is often not spent in the grassy hilltops, but rather in the trenches, where it is cold, dirty and lonely.
4 min read
For The Sake Of One

For The Sake Of One

Here’s a thought for you. I don’t think we Christians are wired to handle fame. I don't think we are wired in a way that gives us the ability to deal with stardom in a beneficial way. I think there is a very special and Biblical reason for this.
4 min read
3 Marks Of Christian Community

3 Marks Of Christian Community

Christian community is indeed vital. It’s where we are encouraged, convicted and strengthened as Christians. I believe there are three main marks of effective, Christian community. Here they are.
3 min read
Lord Of The Rings On A Laptop Screen

Lord Of The Rings On A Laptop Screen

How did you first see the Lord of the Rings? Was it in theaters? At home? For me, it was on a very small laptop screen in my parents bedroom, but it might as well have been in virtual reality. I dove into that world and have yet to come out.
4 min read
Please Sir, We Would See Jesus

Please Sir, We Would See Jesus

I love preaching. It’s something I have always enjoyed. Not becasue I think I’m particularly good at it or it gives me some sort of thrill. I love it becasue I get to talk about Jesus. Wherever I am in the Bible, I talk about Jesus. That is the point of preaching.
3 min read