
Aphid Pimples And The Providence Of God

Aphid Pimples And The Providence Of God

Many have said, “if God is all-powerful, He cannot be all-good. If He is all-good, then He cannot be all-powerful.” This is the danger of forgetting the Gospel.
3 min read
The Perseverance Of The Saints

The Perseverance Of The Saints

The “P” in TULIP is one of the most comforting truths in all of Scripture. Within it we find the peace that comes from God holding onto us even when we fall. It’s the culmination of Calvinism and the security of the Gospel.
4 min read
Unconditional Election

Unconditional Election

Perhaps the most incredible truth in the world could be summed up in the sentence “God chose us.” The doctrine of unconditional election is perhaps the clearest point that drives home the Gospel and gives God all the glory.
7 min read
Why I Believe In Election

Why I Believe In Election

The doctrine of election is one of the most highly debated theological topics in Christianity. Yet I have not found a doctrine that displays God's love for sinners more than this doctrine. These are the reasons I believe in election.