
Aphid Pimples And The Providence Of God

Aphid Pimples And The Providence Of God

Many have said, “if God is all-powerful, He cannot be all-good. If He is all-good, then He cannot be all-powerful.” This is the danger of forgetting the Gospel.
3 min read
Make War (Part 1)

Make War (Part 1)

The Christian’s life is war. We are called to put on the armor of God for a reason. The Christian faces many enemies in this life, but none can be so deceitful than the master of lies himself. We are called to make war with Satan, but this may not look like what you think.
3 min read
Sprinting Out Of The Gate

Sprinting Out Of The Gate

I hate running. It’s simply the worst. It’s uncomfortable and makes me sweat and I would rather do anything else than run. But the Christian life is not an armchair event. It’s a race. It’s the race of my life.
3 min read
The Supremacy Of Christ

The Supremacy Of Christ

For this blog, I would like to do something a little different. Just take 19 minutes out of your day and perhaps your mind will be opened to a new way of thinking about Jesus.
1 min read
Pride (Revisited)

Pride (Revisited)

I know I have covered this before, yet there have been many events this week that have reminded me of the dangers that pride can bring to the Christian. There is nothing more dangerous than pride.
3 min read
Solus Christus

Solus Christus

Solus Christus takes my sin and throws it as far as the East is from the West. It takes me and brings me a close as a son.
2 min read
We Still Need The Reformation

We Still Need The Reformation

It's been 500 years and we need the reformation now more than ever.