Monday Musings #6
Happy Monday! If you live around me, you enjoyed some awesome sunshine yesterday! Sometimes it just peeks out to remind us that it’s still there, then runs away again leaving us sipping our therapeutic coffee drinks. But hey, that doesn’t mean we still can’t have a good start to our week. We’re saved, we’re loved, and we have been given more than we could ever deserve. If that’s not reason to be happy I don’t know what is. Welcome to another Monday Musings.
Weekly Resources:
CamScanner App - I just used this yesterday and I tell you what, it’s pretty awesome. It’s an app you download to your phone or tablet that allows you to take pictures of hard copy documents and turn them into digital files. I took a picture and I turned that picture into a PDF or JPEG file. Then, you just share it to your files and voila, instant document. It’s a great resource to have if you need to scan something, but don’t have an actual scanner, like me. The best part, it’s free. Check it out!
The Affogato - Please allow a little self-indulgence here. My wonderful wife (who I have said before is the one responsible for me writing) has begun a blog of her own. Now please let me say, her blog is way cooler than mine. She actually talks about interesting stuff, plus she’s a better writer. So it’s with the utmost pleasure and excitement that I recommend The Affogato to you as a wonderful resource. What is an affogato you ask? Well, you’ll just have to check out her blog to find out. Enjoy!
Quote Of The Week:
“I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” - C.S. Lewis
Verse Of The Week:
Psalm 17:15 “As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.”
Thought Of The Week:
We are given a reminder here in this verse from Psalms. We are given a reminder that we should be satisfied with God. Our satisfaction should come from Him and through Him. Everything we put stock into, everything we see as desirable should be because they in some way bring us closer to God. This world is full of temporary pleasure and satisfaction. The problem is that the more we indulge with temporary pleasure, the more we need and the emptier we feel in the end. Porn, media, recreation, relationships, entertainment, health fads and fashion trends will all leave us empty, feeling alone and without hope or satisfaction. That’s because we are looking for satisfaction in the wrong place. Our hearts were designed to worship and we feel empty when we worship the wrong thing. We were designed to worship God and live for Him. That is what brings true and lasting satisfaction. Only after we realize this will we truly understand what satisfaction really is.