
The Glory Of The Gospel

The Glory Of The Gospel

Here's a quick video I threw together on a lunch hour.
God WILL Give You More Than You Can Handle

God WILL Give You More Than You Can Handle

Have You ever heard the phrase "God will never give you more than you can handle?" Although I understand the sentiment behind it, I think there are times God does give us more than we can handle. I think He does this for a very important reason.
4 min read
Hey All...I’m Back.

Hey All...I’m Back.

It’s been a while since I blogged. A lot has happened...and a lot is the same. I think i can say now that I’m back in the saddle and ready to figure out how to put words together again. We’ll see if I’ve totally lost it.
3 min read
It’s Not About You

It’s Not About You

We live in a world where the Gospel is being made about us. This is simply wrong. The Gospel, the Bible, Christianity itself has never had anything to do with us. It’s always been about Jesus.
3 min read
Make War (Part 3)

Make War (Part 3)

There is no enemy the Christian faces that is more deadly than their own sinful flesh. It is the most dangerous and has the greatest potential to destroy. This enemy must be fought at all costs. It stands and mocks our Savior.
3 min read
Make War (Part 2)

Make War (Part 2)

The world believes the Gospel is foolishness. Because of this, we find ourselves in a war against it. How do we fight against the world? Boycotts? Picketing? Trying to get more Christians in government? Or is it something simpler? Let’s talk about that today...
3 min read
Make War (Part 1)

Make War (Part 1)

The Christian’s life is war. We are called to put on the armor of God for a reason. The Christian faces many enemies in this life, but none can be so deceitful than the master of lies himself. We are called to make war with Satan, but this may not look like what you think.
3 min read
3 Marks Of Christian Community

3 Marks Of Christian Community

Christian community is indeed vital. It’s where we are encouraged, convicted and strengthened as Christians. I believe there are three main marks of effective, Christian community. Here they are.
3 min read
The Dust Speck And The Hurricane

The Dust Speck And The Hurricane

I thought I would take a break form the regular Monday Musings segment to share this awesome video I came across.
1 min read
Josh Couldn’t Be Here, So Here’s A Dinosaur

Josh Couldn’t Be Here, So Here’s A Dinosaur

Due to a set of unforeseen circumstances, Josh is unable to be with us today. Fortunately he left his account unlocked, and so here I am.
2 min read